Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world

Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world

Artists are people who have the ability to compose and express their artistic thoughts and feelings through painting works. Each work of art shows exploration and creativity, especially, they bring their own features, record the imprint and name of each artist. Let’s find to learn about most famous painters in the world in the following article.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519)

Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) – Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world

First in the article Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world is the genius painter Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci was a famous Italian painter, he was born on April 15, 1452 in Anchiano, Italy and died on May 2, 1519 in Amoise, France. In addition to being a painter, he is also a sculptor, architect, musician, engineer, physician, anatomist, innovator and natural philosopher. He is considered an almighty Italian genius. The city of Vinci is named after his birthplace, located in the territory of the province of Florence, 30 km west of the city of Florence near Empoli, which is also his last name. People call him for short Leonardo because “da Vinci” means “from Vinci”, not his real surname. His birth name was Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci which means “Leonardo, son of Ser Piero, from Vinci”. He is the author of famous paintings such as Mona Lisa, The Last Supper.

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He was a man whose ideas were ahead of his time, especially the concept of helicopters, tanks, parachutes, the use of solar convergence, computers, draft theory of tectonics. terrain, double bottom ships, and many other inventions. Several of his designs were made and possible during his lifetime. Scientific applications in metalworking and in engineering in the Renaissance were still in their infancy. In addition, he contributed greatly to the knowledge and understanding of anatomy, astronomy, civil engineering, optics and the study of hydraulics. The only products left in his life are only a few paintings, along with a few notebooks (scattered in various collections of his works), inside which contain sketches, illustrations. science sketches and pens.

Pablo Ruiz Picasso (1881 – 1973)

Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world
Pablo Ruiz Picasso (1881 – 1973) – Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world

Next in the Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world is Picasso. Pablo Ruiz Picasso is a Spanish painter and sculptor. He is considered one of the most prominent artists of the twentieth century and is commonly known as Pablo Picasso or Picasso. Picasso is considered one of the most prominent painters of the 20th century, he, along with Georges Braque, is the two founders of cubism in painting and sculpture. He is one of the 10 greatest painters in the top 10. 200 of the world’s greatest visual artists of the 20th century published by The Times magazine, UK. He has left nearly 50,000 works of art in many genres such as sculptures, ceramics, paintings… some of which are on the list of the most expensive works of art in the world.

Picasso’s works are often classified according to different periods. Although the names of later periods of the artist’s work are controversial, it is generally accepted to divide Picasso’s early work into the Blue Period, the Pink Period, and the Influential Period. Africa – Sculpture, Analytic Cubism and Synthetic Cubism. After World War I, Picasso began to work on neoclassical works. One of Picasso’s most famous works, Guernica was composed during this period. The painting depicts the bombing of Guernica by Nazi Germany during the Spanish Civil War.

Vincent van Gogh (1853 – 1890)

Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world
Vincent van Gogh – Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world

Vincent van Gogh is a famous Dutch painter and named in the Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world. He is known as a Post-Impressionist painter, his works are loved by art lovers, including the most expensive works in the world. He was ranked 10th in the list of the greatest Dutch people in history organized by KRO radio in 2004. His works have continuously broken sales records in the 1980s and 1990s. Vincent van Gogh was a pioneer in expressionism, and had a great influence on Fauvism and Expressionism in Germany. His works had a great influence on the next generation of painters such as Henri Matisse (the Fauvist painter) and the painters of the Die Brucke group (the Expressionist painter).

Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world
Vincent van Gogh – Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world

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Edouard Manet (1832 – 1883)

Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world
Edouard Manet – Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world
Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world
Edouard Manet Paint – Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world

Edouard Manet is a French painter, one of the first artists to paint works related to themes of modern life in the Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world. He was considered one of the key figures in the transition from Realism to Impressionism. His early works such as Le déjeuner sur l’herbe and Olympia generated great controversy, which are considered to be the foundations for later Impressionism – which are today recognized. considered as markers for the birth of modern art.

Edouard Manet was born into a noble family. His father used to be a high-ranking judge in the Court. His mother was the goddaughter of the King of Sweden and Norway. As was common practice at the time, Edouard Manet had to follow his father’s profession. However, fate did not decide so. When he was still in school, Edouard Manet was a student that could be said to be very ordinary. But he has a special talent and only cares about painting. Manet came to painting by accident. Failing the naval school exam, the young man had the opportunity to travel to many places. It was during his travels around Europe that Manet gained a lot of inspiration and practical experience that later became evident in each of his works.

Paul Cézanne (1839-1906)

Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world
Paul Cézanne – Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world

Paul Cézanne is a French Post-Impressionist painter who is said to be the bridge between 19th century Impressionism and 20th century Cubism. Paul Cézanne is one of the great painters of the 20th century. of France in general and of the world in particular. His works are always very expensive and including a painting worth up to 250 million USD, but in reality they were rejected by critics and his life at that time was not very rich. However, the painters regarded him very highly, and according to them, Paul Cézanne’s school had a great influence on contemporary artists.

Although only lived in the 20th century for exactly 6 years, but Paul Cezanne was voted as one of the ten greatest painters of the 20th century by Times magazine, UK announced with 21,098 votes, just behind the great painter Pablo Picasso. He is an Impressionist painter, he is considered to be the bridge bridge between 19th century Impressionist Painting and 20th century Cubism, Cubism and Expressionism. Cezanne has made sure his name always appears on the list of Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world.

Rembrandt (1606 – 1669)

Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world
Rembrandt – Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world

Rembrandt is a famous Dutch painter and printmaker. His compositions made an important contribution to the Golden Age of the country in the 17th century, in addition, he was also known as the teacher for most of the leading Dutch painters at that time. Rembrandt is considered one of the greatest painters of the Netherlands in particular and of Europe in general. He is the highest ranked artist in the list of great Dutch people in history organized by KRO in 2004 and in the Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world.

The three main themes of Rembrandt’s writing career were portraits, landscapes, and illustrations. To contemporary art and religious circles, he is considered a master of biblical illustrations in depicting emotion and detail. His painting style shifts from soft, smooth lines at the beginning to rough lines to better depict the emotions of the specimen. In addition to the development of painting techniques, Rembrandt also made advances in engraving and printing techniques. In later engravings, especially from the 1640s onwards, freedom and liberality are evident.

Andy Warhol (1928 – 1987)

Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world
Andy Warhol – Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world

Andy Warhol is a famous American painter of popular art. He is successful in his career as a commercial illustrator because he often paints postmodern, commercial paintings and also writes avant-garde films. He uses a variety of traditional mediums such as hand drawings, prints, paintings, silk photos, sculptures, cinema, music, etc., in his artistic path. In 2009, The Economist magazine described Warhol in an article: “The Art Market Leader”. Because of that, he was named in the Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world.

After a successful career as a commercial illustrator, Warhol became a popular and sometimes controversial artist. His art uses a variety of media, including hand drawings, paintings, prints, photography, silk photography, sculpture, film and music. His studio, The Factory, is a popular gathering place for famous intellectuals, boys and girls, playwrights, Bohemian people, Hollywood celebrities, and wealthy personalities.

Henri Matisse (1869 – 1954)

Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world
Henri Matisse – Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world

The next artist in the Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world is Henri Matisse. Henri Matisse is a French artist, known for his use of color and fluidity as well as his ability to paint with great originality. As a painter, sculptor, printmaker. Matisse is known as one of the most famous artists of the 20th century. He was a pioneer of Fauvism, and in the 1920s he was considered one of the greats of the classical tradition in the world. French painting. His talent in the use of expressive color language and distinctive painting ability. Henri Matisse is considered one of the leading figures in modern art.

Matisse has always been creative, determined not to trade her artistic ideals to paint cheap works. He focused on studying the works of characters representing the “impressionist” school such as Cezanne, Van Gogh, absorbing the essence of those works and generating new creative power. When he was young, because his family wanted Matisse to become a lawyer, he had to study law. Passionate about painting, in 1891 Matisse dropped out of Law and enrolled himself in drawing lessons at the School of Fine Arts, in the studio of painter Gustave Moreau. At first, the works in the Louvre attracted Matisse, he was often there to admire and copy paintings by master artists.

Jackson Pollock (1912 – 1956)

Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world
Jackson Pollock – Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world

Jackson Pollock was a famous American painter, he was a key figure in abstract expressionism, but he died at the height of thisism (1956). He is very famous for his strange paintings from size to drawings in the years 1947 – 1950, typically the painting Autumn Rhythm No. 30, where he combined colors from brown, white. and very basic black. Jackson Pollock always tried to express feeling by moving forms instead of conveying through color.

During his lifetime, Pollock was very famous and infamous. He was a great painter of his generation. Rather than being modest, he had an impulsive personality and struggled largely with alcoholism throughout his life. In 1945, he married the painter Lee Krasner, and she became an important inspiration in his career and legacy. He died at age 44 in an alcohol-related accident while he was driving alone. He is a modern painter named in the Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world.

Edgar Degas (1834 – 1917)

Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world
Edgar Degas – Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world

Last in the Top 10 Most Famous Painters in the world is the genius painter Edgar Degas. Painter Edgar Degas was born in 1834 in Paris, he was the son of a wealthy banker, he studied Fine Arts in Paris, France and in Italy, he became a famous figure in the school of Impressionist art. simultaneously with Vincent Van Gogh and Edouard Manet. Degas is a famous painter in his paintings especially through the rendering of ballet girls. One of these paintings is an oil painting called “The Dance Class.” He sketched ballet girls from real models in his studio. Most of his works depict scenes. racecourse, theatre, coffee shop, music, or lounge. Degas often had a sharp and beautiful observation about women. His subjects describe subjects in nature or poses in the art of photography.

Edgar Degas made art from things that no other painter had done before. For example, the way they lift up their shirt, the warm scenes from the nude model, keeping the folds of the model’s shirt, or the scene where the ballet dancer scratches her back in the middle of two rehearsals. The “Little Dancer Aged Fourteen” statue created by sculptor Edgar Degas is found at the National Gallery of Art. Bronze material was used to cast the statue after his death. The original painting that was displayed in 1881 was used as a model for wax casting when he had attached a dancer’s wig and ruffle skirt, with many critics in the world that it was a strange subject cast in high quality. is not worthy of a work of the pinnacle of art. Degas was not famous during his lifetime. It was only when he died that people realized his true genius value.

In conclusion, the world of art has been enriched by the incredible contributions of many talented painters throughout history. The top 10 most famous painters in the world have created works that continue to captivate and inspire people from all walks of life.

From the stunning realism of Leonardo da Vinci and the impressionism of Claude Monet, to the bold expressionism of Vincent van Gogh and the surrealism of Salvador Dali, each artist has left an indelible mark on the world of art. Through their masterpieces, these painters have not only expressed their own unique perspectives and experiences, but also captured the essence of the human experience in a way that transcends time and culture. It is truly a testament to their skill and creativity that their works continue to be revered and appreciated by art lovers around the globe.

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By Eryk Wu Address: 3999 Pine Forest Hollow Trail Houston, TX 77084 Phone: +12813473007 Email: Website:

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