Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world

Law is one of the basic elements that help maintain order in any community. Therefore, when it comes to the law, all of us immediately think of rigid and serious terms. However, if you know the 10 strangest laws in the world below, you may change your mind!

Ban on selling and eating chewing gum (Singapore)

Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world
Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world

The first in the article Top 10 strangest laws in the world is the law on selling and eating chewing gum in Singapore. Referring to the Singapore Lion Island, many of us will think of the cleanliness of the streets. And to maintain this cleanliness, the Singapore Government did not hesitate to introduce some strange laws with large fines.

Here, anyone who eats gum will be fined $1,000 Singapore and have to do community service for 10 hours. Not only that, if anyone is found to be selling chewing gum, they will be fined $10,000 Singapore and a year in prison. So if you intend to travel or study in this country, please keep this law in mind!

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It is forbidden to make bad faces with dogs (Oklahoma, USA)

Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world
Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world – It is forbidden to make bad faces with dogs

One of the Top 10 strangest laws in the world available right here in the US is that people here are forbidden to make bad faces with dogs. In Oklahoma, dogs are not only kept as pets but are also considered friends of man. Therefore, anyone found making a bad expression with a dog here risks being fined or even jailed, because people in Oklahoma consider this to be offensive and hurtful. the souls of dogs.

Prohibition of drying men’s and women’s underwear on the same line (Minnesota, USA)

Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world
It is forbidden to make bad faces with dogs – Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world

It is illegal to hang men’s and women’s underwear on the same clothesline in Minnesota. This is one of the 10 strangest laws in the world that you will find quite odd because no one can know what the reason for this law was born.

Prohibit flushing the toilet after 10pm (Switzerland)

Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world
Prohibit flushing the toilet after 10pm – Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world

In Switzerland, people living in apartments are not allowed to flush the toilet after 10pm. This law is regulated because the Swiss Government believes that this will cause noise pollution and affect the rest time of others. This is definitely one of the most civilized laws in the Top 10 strangest laws in the world.

Bad sleep is divorce (Japan)

Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world
Bad sleep is divorce (Japan) – Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world

In Japan, women are completely dominated by men due to the idea of “respect for men and despise women” that has been deeply ingrained in the culture of this country for thousands of years of history.

An example of this is the law that allows a man to file for divorce from his wife just because she saw her sleeping badly. And what’s worse, the bad word here has no documents or criteria to consider, as long as a man thinks it’s bad, he can divorce before the consent of everyone and the law.

Forbidden to forget wife’s birthday (Samoa)

Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world
Forbidden to forget wife’s birthday (Samoa)

Forgetting your wife’s birthday is illegal in Samoa. Any wife can report her husband before the law when he forgets his birthday.

Any husband in Samoa must remember his wife’s birthday if he doesn’t want to be against the law

Banning winking at people of the opposite sex (Iowa, USA)

In Ottumwa (Iowa), winking at an unknown person of the opposite sex is considered sexual harassment and is the first solicitation step into illegal relationships. Winking at the opposite sex is considered a form of sexual harassment in Iowa.

Pregnant women can go to the toilet anywhere (UK)

Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world
Pregnant women can go to the toilet anywhere (UK)

The UK government has shown its concern for pregnant women and children by enacting legislation that allows pregnant women to deal with their personal needs anywhere from public places such as the docks. bus, highway curb, office, etc.

Prohibition of dying in the Houses of Parliament (UK)

Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world
Houses of Parliament – Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world

The Houses of Parliament is part of the British royal palace, so if anyone unfortunately dies in this building, a national funeral will be held. To prevent this from happening, anyone with symptoms of illness will be immediately brought outside of the building. However, this law has been removed recently.

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Not allowed to be overweight (Japan)

Top 10 Strangest Laws in the world
Not allowed to be overweight (Japan)

Last in the Top 10 strangest laws in the world is the weight law in Japan. Japan is home to sumo wrestling with big, muscular fighters. However, in this country you are not allowed to be overweight. According to the “Metabo” law, all men aged 40 and over are not allowed to have a waist measurement exceeding 81cm, this figure in women is 91cm.

In particular, overweight individuals are not penalized, this responsibility falls on the company they are working for and the local governing body. That’s one of the reasons why Japanese people have the longest life expectancy in the world.

Laws are put in place to ensure order and fairness in society, but sometimes they can seem a little strange or even comical. From bizarre dress codes to unexpected punishments, these top 10 laws from around the world are sure to raise an eyebrow. Get ready to discover Top 10 strangest laws in the world with now!


By Eryk Wu Address: 3999 Pine Forest Hollow Trail Houston, TX 77084 Phone: +12813473007 Email: Website:

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