Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2

Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2 – Who were important figures in World War 2? – Important People of World War II

World War 2 was the most devastating war in human history. In that war, there were many important people whose every action contributed to the history and situation of this war. Let’s come to the Top 10 most influential people of World War 2.

Adolf Hitler

Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2
Adolf Hitler – Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2

The name topping the top 10 most influential people of World War 2 can’t be anyone other than Adolf Hitler – the Führer of Nazi Germany and the one who sparked the Second World War.

Adolf Hitler was born in a village in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, to a family of six siblings, most of whom died early, with only Adolf Hitler and a younger sister living to adulthood. In 1906, Adolf Hitler went to Vienna to apply to study at the Vienna Academy of Arts but was rejected. His dream of becoming a painter was shattered, Adolf Hitler lived in poverty in Vienna, and it was during that difficult time that his mother passed away. Many scholars believe that it was the event in Vienna that was the turning point that made Adolf Hitler go on the path of a great dictator, because during this time, Adolf Hitler read a lot of books, including the philosophy books Nietzsche and Nietzsche. interested in politics.

During World War I, Adolf Hitler joined the army and fought for Germany, which caused when the war ended, Adolf Hitler obtained German citizenship and the rank of corporal. After losing the battle, Germany was in economic decline, and the political confidence of the people was severely reduced, creating an opportunity for Adolf Hitler’s eloquence to show. Adolf Hitler joined the Nazi Party and the Nazi Party defeated other parties to gain a unique position in Germany, turning Germany into a fascist country with the strongest industrial and military economy in Europe at that time.

On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland at the direction of Adolf Hitler, starting World War 2. During the war, Adolf Hitler led Nazi Germany to wage war and capture most of the war. all of Europe, with a large territory when it captured France, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Lucxembourg in the West; Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark in the North; Poland, Austria, Czechoslovakia in the East; Tunisia, Libya, Egypt in North Africa, attacked as far as the Soviet capital Moscow and bombed the British capital London. By 1942, Nazi Germany had occupied 90% of Europe, leaving only Britain, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland.

However, after that, Nazi Germany was defeated in World War 2 before the Allies when the Soviet Union counterattacked from the East and the US-British coalition attacked from the West into Berlin in 1945. On April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide by gun in his room. According to instructions, German soldiers burned Adolf Hitler’s body with gasoline and buried it in the ground before the Soviets entered and took control of Berlin. Nazi Germany lost and ended the Nazi era from there.

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During his lifetime, Adolf Hitler was an important figure, eloquent and diplomatic, with dictatorial ideas, extreme nationalism, Aryan nationalism and anti-Semitism. Adolf Hitler was not only responsible for the Second World War, but was also responsible for the genocide of the Jews in Germany and Eastern Europe. An estimated 6 million Jews were massacred during the campaigns of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.

Biographical Information:

  • Year of birth: April 20, 1889
  • Year of death: April 30, 1945
  • Nationality: Austria, Germany
  • Faction: Fascist
  • Position: Führer of Nazi Germany, Leader of the Nazi Party of Germany

Winston Churchill

Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2
Winston Churchill – Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2

Winston Churchill was the prime minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland during the Second World War. He was born in Oxfordshire into a family of distinguished dukes. Winston Churchill attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and joined the expeditionary army in India before becoming a war correspondent.

In 1900, Winston Churchill officially entered the political path when he joined the British Conservative Party and joined Parliament shortly after. In 1910, Winston Churchill became Minister of the Interior. During World War I, he was the head of the Royal Naval Service.

As World War 2 was about to break out, Winston Churchill led the Conservative Party heavily criticizing the policy of appeasement and the “Muchen Treaty” of then prime minister Neville Chamberlain in office. When World War 2 broke out and France was defeated by Germany, Neville Chamberlain’s prestige seriously declined and Britain was in danger of war and the Nazi forces at that time were extremely powerful. In that context, Winston Churchill became British prime minister, he declared war on Nazi Germany instead of surrendering and this is considered one of the most important decisions in World War 2. With his talent for eloquence and leadership, Winston Churchill became a steady source of morale for Britain and he was also one of the key leaders of the Allies against the Axis in World War 2.

Biographical Information:

  • Year of birth: November 30, 1874
  • Year of death: 24/01/1965
  • British nationality
  • Faction: Allies
  • Position: Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Joseph Stalin

Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2
Joseph Stalin – Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2

As Supreme Leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until the end of World War 2, Joseph Stalin also played a large role in the Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2.

Joseph Stalin was born into a family of shoemakers in the Russian Empire. In 1899, Joseph Stalin read Lenin’s works and joined the Bolshevik Party in 1903. From then on, Joseph Stalin became a stalwart member of the Bolshevik Party alongside Lenin. After the October Revolution, the Bolshevik Party took power and the Soviet Union was born, Lenin became the supreme leader until his death from illness, Joseph Stalin replaced Lenin to hold that supreme position.

Before World War 2 officially began, Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler secretly signed a non-aggression pact, known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. According to the treaty, Germany and the Soviet Union would not invade each other and divide the land of Eastern Europe, which was the premise for Germany to invade Poland, opening the Second World War.

When the Axis Pact was established between Japan, Germany, and Italy, Nazi Germany betrayed the peace treaty and attacked the Soviet Union. In 1941, after winning in all European fronts, Germany broke the peace treaty and attacked the Soviet Union. Adolf Hitler called it “expanding the living space for the Aryan superior race”. A huge number of German troops quickly attacked the Soviet Union and caused heavy damage, but under the leadership of Joseph Stalin and the resilience of the Soviet Red Army, Leningrad and Moscow successfully entrenched. The Germans attacked due to the geographical distance, the Soviet territory was too large, and the harsh weather weakened, creating an opportunity for the Soviet Red Army to counterattack. The counterattack of the Soviet Red Army under the leadership of Joseph Stalin repelled the Germans and the Soviet Red Army captured all of Eastern Europe, attacking as far as Berlin and forcing Nazi Germany to surrender.

The importance of the Soviet Union in the Allied victory in World War 2 is undisputed. Therefore, Joseph Stalin – the leader of the Soviet Union is also one of the greatest contributors to this great victory.

Biographical Information:

  • Year of birth: December 18, 1878
  • Year of death: March 5, 1953
  • Nationality: Soviet Union
  • Faction: Allies
  • Position: Supreme Leader, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2
Franklin D. Roosevelt – Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States, as well as one of the greatest American presidents of all time. He was the only US president elected to more than two terms, in office during World War 2, who decided the United States would join that fierce war.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was born into a rich and powerful family in New York. Both Franklin D. Roosevelt’s paternal and maternal surnames have many connections in the political world, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s cousin himself Theodore Roosevelt was also the 26th president of the United States, which helped Franklin D. Roosevelt did not have much difficulty in politics.

In 1911, Franklin D. Roosevelt became a New York Senator and Governor of New York in 1928. Franklin D. Roosevelt won the 1932 presidential election and became the 32nd president of the United States.

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When World War 2 had just begun, the United States did not enter the war, believing that the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans would protect them from war. However, the United States still supported the Allies by many measures such as selling weapons to Britain, economic sanctions against Japan. This prompted the Japanese to decide to attack the United States, starting with the attack on Pearl Harbor on the island of Hawa2. The great damage in Pearl Harbor and the looming danger when Japan was dominating the entire Pacific region led Franklin D. Roosevelt to decide to declare war on Japan. Many conspiracy theories believe that the United States purposely lost Pearl Harbor to have an excuse to enter World War 2.

During his third term, Franklin D. Roosevelt led the United States into full participation in World War 2, standing with the Allies against the Axis. The United States Army confronted Japan in the Pacific theater, coordinated with the Allies to fight Germany and Italy in Northern Europe and landed in Normandy, France to attack Nazi Germany as far as Berlin. In 1945, Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the US military to drop two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. This was the first time atomic weapons were used and it caused so much damage that Japan surrendered soon after.

Although also had great merit in the decisions against the Fascists in World War 2, Franklin D. Roosevelt, before directing the United States to enter the war, once said that if Germany wins Russia, it will help the Russians, if If Russia defeats Germany, it will help the Germans. This shows the terrifying intrigue of Franklin D. Roosevelt

Biographical Information:

  • Year of birth: January 30, 1882
  • Year of death: April 12, 1945
  • Nationality: United States
  • Faction: Allies
  • Position: President of the United States

Tojo Hideki

Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2
Tojo Hideki – Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2

Although in Japan, the Emperor was the highest leader, but under the Empire of Japan, Emperor Showa Hirohito did not have much political power. The one who holds most of the power of the Empire of Japan and makes war decisions is Tojo Hideki. He is a nationalist, holding the position of Prime Minister of the Empire of Japan during the entire World War 2. Tojo Hideki also holds the position of General of the Imperial Japanese Army and holds all powers. military, causing the China War as well as the war in the Pacific.

As one of the Top 10 most influential people of World War 2, Tojo Hideko was sentenced to death for war crimes. He was executed by hanging in 1946 by the decision of the judge of the International Military Court for the Far East.

Biographical Information:

  • Year of birth: December 30, 1884
  • Year of death: December 23, 1948
  • Nationality: Austria, Germany
  • Faction: Fascist
  • Position: Prime Minister of the Empire of Japan, General of the Imperial Japanese Army

Herman Goring

Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2
Herman Goring – Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2

Second only to Adolf Hitler, Herman Goring was the second most powerful figure in Nazi Germany during World War 2.

Herman Goring was born in Bavaria and was of the Aryan race, which, according to Hitler, was the superior race. Herman Goring’s father was a cavalry officer and Herman Goring dreamed of becoming a soldier since childhood. During World War I, Herman Goring became a soldier, and after the war ended, he did a good job as an economist and aeronautics when making a great contribution to reviving the German economy. Herman Goring joined the Nazi Party in 1923, after listening to Adolf Hitler speak. Herman Goring is also the founder of the Gestapo secret police organization – the force that destroyed other political factions in Germany.

During World War 2, Herman Goring was appointed Supreme Leader by Hitler should anything happen to Hitler. Herman Goring was also granted the rank of Field Marshal of the German Empire by Hitler – a rank higher than other army marshals. Throughout the war, Herman Goring was Adolf Hitler’s right-hand man in all political, military, and economic fields, especially in the role of Economy Minister, Herman Goring made Germany fully resourced. force to sustain the war.

Herman Goring’s status declined significantly in Hitler’s eyes when Germany began to lose in 1942. In 1945, Herman Goring learned that Hitler was intending to commit suicide and sent a letter requesting permission to take over the leadership of the Reich. Hitler considered it an act of rebellion and stripped Herman Goring of all powers and ordered his arrest. Commenting on this issue, General Dwight Eisenhower – Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe said: “With just one sentence, Hitler did what the Allies had been trying to do for many years and had not been able to do for many years. : Removed Herman Goring”. The power of Herman Goring was then handed over to Heinrich Himmler – Hitler’s left-hand man and the third most powerful man in Germany.

At the end of the war, Herman Goring was convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity with the death penalty by hanging. However, Herman Goring committed suicide with cyanide the night before the sentence was carried out.

Biographical Information:

  • Year of birth: 12/01/1893
  • Year of death: October 15, 1946
  • Nationality Germany
  • Faction: Fascist
  • Position: Vice Chancellor of Nazi Germany, Chairman of the Nazi Parliament, Governor of the Reich, Minister of Economy

Benito Mussolini

Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2
Benito Mussolini – Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2

Benito Mussolini was Prime Minister, Grand Marshal of the Italian Empire – one of the three fascist countries in the Axis.

Benito Mussolini was born into a working family with his father a blacksmith and his mother a teacher. During World War I, Benito Mussolini worked for the British Secret Service MI5 and joined the Italian Socialist Party at the end of the war.

After the war ended, taking advantage of the chaos of Italy, Benito Mussolini climbed to the position of Prime Minister of Italy, bringing Italy to fascism. Benito Mussolini is known as the “Fascist tycoon” because he was the pioneer in fascism in Europe at that time, based on fascism from the Roman Republic. Under the leadership of Benito Mussolini, the Italian Empire invaded and waged war in the Mediterranean and North Africa. However, Adolf Hitler’s decision to “only care about the North African front when he captured the Soviet Union” made the German-Italian alliance in North Africa not strong enough and was defeated by the Allies.

In 1943, Benito Mussolini was arrested and imprisoned by the fascist Supreme Council himself. When Italy was liberated by the Allies, Benito Mussolini was executed by the Council of the Resistance. His body was taken to Milan and hung upside down in a public square before being buried.

Biographical Information:

  • Year of birth: July 29, 1883
  • Year of death: April 28, 1945
  • Nationality: Italian
  • Faction: Fascist
  • Position: Italian Fascist Leader, Prime Minister of the Italian Empire, Grand Marshal of the Italian Empire.

Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov

Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2
Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov – Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2

In the Top 10 most influential people of World War 2, Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov is the person with the greatest merit in leading the Soviet Red Army to victory over Nazi Germany. Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov ranks first in the number and size of victories in the Great Patriotic War of the USSR. The name of Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov is associated with most of the major victories such as Battle of Moscow, Battle of Leningrad, Battle of Kursk, Operation Bagration, Operation Berlin… Other world-famous military leaders in World War Second world leaders such as Dwight Eisenhower (USA), Sir Bernard Montgomery (UK), Jean de Lattre de Tassigny (France), Aleksandr Vasilevsky (USSR) all recognized Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov as the greatest general in the war against Fascism.

Biographical Information:

  • Year of birth: December 1, 1896
  • Year of death: June 18, 1974
  • Nationality: Soviet Union
  • Faction: Allies
  • Position: Marshal of the Red Army of the Soviet Union, Minister of Defense of the USSR

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2
Dwight D. Eisenhower – Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2

Dwight D. Eisenhower was a 5-star general in the United States Army during World War 2, and the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe. After winning military decisions in the Pacific, Dwight D. Eisenhower became the supreme military leader of the United States in the Western European and North African fronts. Under the leadership of Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Allies won the German-Italian Confederacy in North Africa, liberating Italy from the Fascist regime before landing in Normandy in France and attacking as far as the capital. Berlin, causing Germany to surrender.

Biographical Information:

  • Year of birth: October 14, 1890
  • Year of death: March 28, 1969
  • Nationality: United States
  • Faction: Allies
  • Position: Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe, Chief of Staff of the United States Army.

Erwin Rommel

Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2
Erwin Rommel – Top 10 Most Influential People of World War 2

And ranked last in the Top 10 most influential people of World War 2 is General Erwin Rommel of Germany – who is nicknamed “Desert Fox”. Erwin Rommel was Germany’s most famous field marshal – who was responsible for defending Hitler during the invasion of Poland, commanded the “Ghost Division” that captured France, commanded the German-Italian Alliance in North Africa and commanded the illustrious German Armored Corps against the Allies on the Normandy front. Despite having a much weaker army, Erwin Rommel still entrenched and won many important victories in North Africa, which made him considered the most capable military man in the desert terrain.

Despite being Germany’s most famous field marshal, Erwin Rommel neither joined the Nazi Party nor supported the Nazi Party. During his time in charge, Erwin Rommel did not commit a war crime, which made the Allies respect. At the end of World War 2, Erwin Rommel led the anti-Hitler movement. Despite his protests, Erwin Rommel participated in the failed assassination of Adolf Hitler. After the assassination attempt, most of the masterminds were executed, but Adolf Hitler only wanted Erwin Rommel to retire early due to Hitler’s affection for him. However, other political opponents such as Himmler, Bormann, Keitel… pressed Hitler to kill Erwin Rommel. Erwin Rommel received cyanide poison and he drank the poison in return for the safety of his family.

After his death, Erwin Rommel was buried with the rites reserved for high-ranking military commanders.

Biographical Information:

  • Year of birth: 11/15/1891
  • Year of death: October 14, 1944
  • Nationality Germany
  • Faction: Fascist
  • Position: Field Marshal of the Nazi Army, Commander of the Nazi Armored Corps

In conclusion, World War II was a pivotal moment in world history, and the people on this list played significant roles in shaping the course of the war and its aftermath. From political leaders to military strategists, scientists to resistance fighters, each person on this list had a unique impact on the war effort and the world as a whole.

Their actions and decisions helped to determine the outcome of the war and the shape of the post-war world. They made difficult choices and sacrifices, and their contributions should not be forgotten. These individuals set the stage for the post-war world and their legacy continues to influence international relations, military strategy, and politics to this day.

By Eryk Wu Address: 3999 Pine Forest Hollow Trail Houston, TX 77084 Phone: +12813473007 Email: Website:

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