Top 10 Most Popular Mathematicalians in the world – Top 10 Most Influential Mathematicians – Top 10 Most Famous Mathematicians
Mathematics is the study of numbers, structure, space and change. Every area of life is related to mathematics. Toplist introduces you to the world’s most famous mathematicians in honor of their important contributions to human development. These are all famous names that we have come into contact with since sitting in school because they are the fathers of extremely familiar mathematical formulas.
Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727)

First on the list of Top 10 Most Popular Mathematicalians in the world is Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton is not only a mathematician but also a prominent physicist, philosopher, astronomer, … of humanity. In the field of mathematics, he, along with Gottfried Leibniz, researched and developed differential and integral calculus. He also introduced a general Newtonian binomial.
Differential – integral calculus was created to solve four scientific problems of the seventeenth century:
- Problem 1: Solve physics problems; objects move according to a formula that is a function of time.
- Problem 2: Find the tangent of a curve. This problem belongs to geometry, but it has important applications in science.
- Problem 3: The problem of finding the maximum and minimum values of a function
- Problem 4: Find the length of a curve, such as the distance traveled by a planet in a certain time; the area of the figure bounded by the curves; volume of blocks bounded by faces,…
Isaac Newton was born into a poor farming family in Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. Thanks to his passion for science with numbers, he has produced theories and scientific research that are valuable to all mankind until now and in the future such as Newton’s law, universal gravitation, etc. ..
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Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662)

Blaise Pascal was a talented French mathematician, physicist, inventor and Christian philosopher. Surely one thing that this is a mathematician is no longer strange to us in the Top 10 Most Popular Mathematicalians in the world. He was the first to research and invent the mechanical calculator and was known as the Pascal calculator. In 1653, he wrote Traité du triangle arithmétique (Treatise on Arithmetic Triangles) describing a form called Pascal’s Triangle. Although he died at the age of 39 because of physical weakness, he left many legacies and contributed to world mathematics.
Application of Pascal programming language in real life:
- Programming applications, software,…
- Programming moves for Robot.
Pascal’s Triangle Application:
- The premise for the birth of 7 memorable equality constants.
- Used to prove Newton’s binomial.
- Applications in algorithms in the field of informatics.
Fibonacci (1170 – 1250)

Fibonacci is a talented Italian mathematician and named in the Top 10 Most Popular Mathematicians in the world. Although he was not the inventor, he was credited with spreading the popular Hindu-Arabic numeral system throughout Europe. The modern series of numbers bears his name, and the Fibonacci numbers are still in common use today.
Application of the Hindu-Arabic coefficient: Apply it to bookkeeping, weight and length conversion, interest calculation, currency exchange and other applications.
Application of the Fibonacci sequence in nature and engineering:
- A coincidence that the Fibonacci sequence coincides with the number of petals of most flowers. Among the numbers: 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 or 89. Lilies have 3 petals, yellow ranunculus flowers have 5 petals, common cassava flowers have 8 petals, and marigold flowers have 13 petals. , daisies have 21 petals, chrysanthemums usually have 34, or 55, or 89 petals.
- The Fibonacci sequence is considered the golden ratio for the standard of beauty in art and architecture and finance.
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Thales (624 – 546 BC)

Thalès de Milet – one of the Top 10 Most Popular Mathematicians in the world, was a Greek philosopher and mathematician who lived before Socrates, the leader of the seven sages of Greece. He is also considered the first philosopher in ancient Greek philosophy, the “father of science”.
Thales was a mathematician and one of the seven famous philosophers of Greece. He had great merit in the field of mathematics when he invented a mathematical theorem and named himself, that is Thales’ law.
Application of Thales theorem in life:
- Measure the height of Khufu’s Pyramid.
- Measure distance when inaccessible: distance of river, height of mountain,…
Pythagoras (580 to 572 – 500 to 490 BC)

The country of Greece is the cradle of the most talented people in the world and the name Pythagoras is no exception, he is named in the Top 10 Most Popular Mathematicalians in the world. Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher and founder of a religious movement called the Pythagorean doctrine. He is generally known as a great scientist and mathematician.
Pythagoras, the famous Greek mathematician, philosopher, and scientist in ancient times. His name and basic mathematical theorems are always found in textbooks. With the famous theorem named after him “In a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is always equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides” is considered a basic premise in geometry and made him famous around the world.
Apply the Pythagorean theorem to solve geometry problems:
- Find the sides of the right triangle.
- Calculate the Distance between two points in the X-Y plane.
Alan Turing (1912 – 1954)

Alan Turing is an English mathematician, cryptographer, and logician. He is known as the father of computer science. The Turing test is one of the achievements that he left to mankind. Because of this achievement, he was named in the Top 10 Most Popular Mathematicalians in the world.
Alan Mathison Turing was an English mathematician, logician and cryptologist often considered the father of computer science. The Turing test is one of his contributions to artificial intelligence: it raises the question of whether machines will ever achieve consciousness and be able to think.
Applications of the Turing Test:
- Inspire scientists to research future supercomputers and artificial intelligence.
- In 1952, he published an article on this issue, under the title “The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis”. The focus of his attention was on understanding the cyclical arrangement of leaves in the Fibonacci sequence, the existence of the Fibonacci sequence in the structure of plants. He used the dispersion reaction equation, which is now central to pattern formation.
Andrew Wiles (April 11, 1953)

The next person in the Top 10 Most Popular Mathematicians in the world is British mathematician – Andrew Wiles. Andrew Wiles was an English mathematician who was the first to prove Fermat’s great theorem. The year of his birth and death is unknown. Andrew John Wiles was an English mathematician, known for being the first to prove Fermat’s great theorem.
Wiles was introduced to Fermat’s great theorem when he was 10 years old. In the years that followed, he tried to find a way to prove the theorem using traditional textbook methods. However, at the beginning of his PhD period he switched to the study of elliptic functions, under the guidance of Professor John Coates.
During her time as a PhD student at Clare College in Cambridge, Wiles was also an assistant professor at Harvard University. In 1980, when he received his doctorate, Wiles went to work for a time in Bonn before coming to the United States. In 1981, he became a professor at Princeton University.
René Descartes (1596 – 1650)

René Descartes was a French mathematician, scientist, and philosopher. René Descartes (1596–1650) was a French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician, considered by some to be the father of modern philosophy.
He is known as the father of modern philosophy. He has made great contributions to the field of mathematics. It is the systematization of analytic geometry, the description of powers, the theory of equality. He was a pioneer in establishing modern mathematics with the symbols x, y, z as unknowns. For his contributions, he deserves to be named in the Top 10 Most Popular Mathematicalians in the world.
Descartes’ most important contribution to mathematics was the systematization of analytic geometry, the system of perpendicular coordinate axes named after him. He was the first mathematician to classify curves according to the properties of the equations that make them up. He also made contributions to the theory of equality. Descartes was also the first to use the last letters of the alphabet for unknowns and to use the first letters of the alphabet for known values. He also invented a notation system for describing powers of numbers (in the expression x², for example). On the other hand, he himself devised a method, called the Cartesian sign method, to find the number of positive and negative solutions to any algebraic equation.
Euclid (3rd century BC)

Next in the Top 10 Most Popular mathematicians in the world is the mathematician Euclid. Euclid sometimes also known as Euclid of Alexandria, lived in the 3rd century BC, was a prominent mathematician of ancient Greece. He is known as the “father of geometry”. It can be said that most of the knowledge of geometry at the lower secondary level today has been systematically and precisely mentioned in the 13-book Foundations series written by Euclid, which is also the most valuable book series in the world. most influential in the History of Mathematics from its publication to the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
By selecting and distinguishing the existing types of geometric knowledge, supplementing, generalizing and rearranging them into a coherent system, using the former properties to infer the latter properties, the Basic Graph book series Euclid’s great work laid the foundation for geometry as well as all of ancient mathematics. The series consists of 13 books: the first six include knowledge of plane geometry, the next three have arithmetic content presented in the form of geometry, the tenth book includes constructions related to algebra, The last three books are about spatial geometry.
In the first book, Euclid put forward five axioms: Through any two points, a straight line can always be drawn, The line can be extended indefinitely, With any center and any radius, a line can always be drawn. circle, All right angles are equal, If 2 lines formed with a 3rd line two inner angles on the same side whose sum is less than 180 degrees, they will intersect in that direction. And 5 postulates: Two things that are equal the third is equal, Add equals to equals and get equals; Remove equals from equals and obtain equals. , The overlap is equal, The whole is greater than the part.
With these axioms and postulates, Euclid proved all geometric properties.
Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777 – 1855)

Finally in the Top 10 Most Popular mathematicians in the world is a mathematician who is no longer a stranger to us – Carl Friedrich Gauss. Carl Friedrich Gauss is a talented German mathematician. He is known as the prince of mathematicians. His contributions in the field of mathematics include: number theory, analysis, differential geometry. He is widely known for proving that every polynomial with the same number of sides as Fermat’s primes can be constructed with a compass and a ruler.
Carl Friedrich Gauss was a talented German mathematician and scientist who made many major contributions to scientific fields, such as number theory, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, magnetism. , electrostatics, astronomy and optics.
Dubbed the “prince of mathematicians”, with a profound influence on the development of mathematics and science, Gauss ranks alongside Leonhard Euler, Isaac Newton and Archimedes as great mathematicians. greatest in history. Gauss made many very important contributions to algebraic mathematics and number theory. In addition he introduced the Gaussian constant, studied the phenomenon of magnetism, and his name was given to the unit of magnetic field.
In conclusion, the contributions of these Top 10 Most Popular Mathematicians in the world have had a significant impact on the development of mathematics and its applications in various fields. Their work has not only advanced the field of mathematics, but has also influenced other areas of science and technology.
From the ancient Greeks to the modern-day mathematicians, their discoveries and theories continue to inspire and guide new generations of mathematicians. As we continue to push the boundaries of what is known and explore the unknown, we can be grateful for the legacy of these brilliant minds who have paved the way for us.
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