Top 10 longest river in the world

Rivers have long been the lifelines of civilizations, shaping landscapes and sustaining life across the globe. As we embark on a journey to discover the most majestic waterways on Earth, we delve into the realm of the top 10 longest rivers. These natural wonders traverse continents, carving through diverse terrains and nurturing ecosystems along their extensive courses. Join in exploring these awe-inspiring giants that have woven themselves into the fabric of our planet’s geography and history.




Top 10 longest river in the world
Nile River

The Nile originates in North Africa and is the longest rivers in the world. The river has a length of up to 6,650 km. It begins in East Africa, flows through Egypt, and empties into the Mediterranean Sea. People also call the Nile with another name “international river” because its basin flows through 11 countries: Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan, and Egypt. This is considered the most important river in Africa and contributed to the formation of the oldest civilization of mankind – the Egyptian civilization.


Amazon River

The Amazon River is the second-longest rivers in the world with a length of 6,400 km. The Amazon River accounts for about 20% of the total freshwater supply to the oceans. Not only does it have great length, but the width of the river is also larger than many other rivers. In the dry season, the river’s width can be up to 11 km. During the rainy season, the widest part of the river can be up to 40 km and the estuary area can be up to 325 km wide. Due to the width of the river, it is also called a sea river.

The Yangtze River

Top 10 longest river in the world
The Yangtze River

The Yangtze River originates from Qinghai, China. If considered in Asia, this is considered the longest river. The length of the river is up to 6,385 km. This river is the boundary line separating North and South China. It is also a living being of great significance in China’s culture, history, and economy. The Yangtze River flows through many diverse ecosystems and is home to many endemic and endangered species such as the Chinese Crocodile and the Yangtze Sturgeon. For thousands of years, people have used the river for water, irrigation, fresh water, transportation, industry, boundaries, and war. 


Mississippi River

Mississippi is a southern state of the United States. The state’s name is taken from the Mississippi River, which flows along the western border. The name is derived either from Ojibwe, a native North American language spoken upstream of the river, or from Algonquian, meaning “great river”. Some other nicknames attributed to Mississippi are Magnolia State and Hospitality State. To the north of Mississippi is Tennessee, to the east is Alabama. In addition to us, if you go south of Mississippi, you will reach Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico. If you want to go to Louisiana and Arkansas, just go west of Mississippi. Mississippi’s highest point is Mount Woodall. Not exactly a mountain, Woodall Mountain is only 246 meters above sea level. Mississippi’s lowest point is the area along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The average altitude is 91 m above sea level.

The Yenisei

Top 10 longest river in the world
The Yenisei

One of the largest river systems flowing into the Arctic Ocean, with a length of 3487 km it is the 5th longest river in the world. This river system has a smaller catchment area and length than the Mississippi-Missouri system in the United States, but the mean discharge is 1.5 times higher. Originating in Mongolia, it flows northward to empty into the Kara Sea, irrigating large parts of Central Siberia, the longest being the Enisei-Angara-Selenga-Ider.

Upstream, with many rapids, the river flows through sparsely populated areas. In the middle, this river system is controlled by a series of large Russian hydroelectric dams. Flowing through sparsely populated taiga forests, the Enisei receives water from a series of tributaries and eventually empties into the Kara Sea in a wild tundra, frozen for more than six months each year.

During the ice age, the journey to the North Pole was blocked by ice. Although the exact details are unclear, some scholars suggest that the Enisei as well as the Obi then flowed into a large lake that occupies much of western Siberia, and eventually emptied into the Black Sea.

Hoang Ha River – The 6th longest rivers in the world

Hoang Ha River – The 6th longest rivers in the world

Hoang Ha, Hoang means the yellow color of the sun, Ha means ground, put together Hoang Ha means yellow river water surface “), is the second-longest river in Asia after the Yangtze River (the Yangtze River). Tu), with a length of 5,464 km, the Yellow River ranks sixth in the world in length.

The Yellow River flows through nine provinces of the People’s Republic of China, originating from Bayan Har Mountain in the Kunlun Mountains on the Tibetan Plateau west of Qinghai Province. The Yellow River empties into Bohai near the city of Dongying in Shandong province.

The Yellow River originates in the Kunlun Mountains in the northwestern part of Qinghai Province, from an altitude of 4,500 m in the Yekuzonglie Basin located north of the Bayankara (or Ba Nhan Khach La) mountain range on the Tibetan Plateau.

From its headwaters, the river flows in a southerly direction, then makes a southeasterly bend, and then flows south again until it reaches Lanzhou city, the capital of the province of Orange. Tuc is where the great northward bend begins. The river flows north through Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, this curve is called Ha Sao. The river then changed direction again, flowing almost straight to the south, forming the border of two provinces of Shaanxi and Shanxi. About 130 kilometers northeast of Xi’an city, capital of Shaanxi province, the Yellow River changes direction again to flow east. It flows to the coastal lowlands of eastern China near the city of Kaifeng. It then flows through Jinan, the capital of Shandong province, and empties into the Bohai Sea (Bohai Bay).

Ob – Irtysh River 

Top 10 longest river in the world
Ob – Irtysh River

The Ob-Irtysh River is 5,410 km long and is one of the most famous rivers in Russia. It originates at the intersection of the Biya and Katun rivers in the Altai mountains (Russia), then flows through Siberia and empties into the Gulf of Ob. The name On – the Irtysh comes from the fact that geographers combine the name of the main river (Ob) and its main tributary (Irtysh).

Parana River

Parana River

The Parana River is located in South-Central South America, flowing through the countries of Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina with a length of about 4,880 km. It is the second-longest river in South America after the Amazon River. The name Paraná is a shortening of the phrase “para rehe onáva”, which comes from the Tupi language and means “like the sea” or “as big as the sea”.

Congo River

Top 10 longest river in the world
Congo River

The Congo River with a length of 4,700 km is ranked 9th in the Top longest rivers in the world. However, the Congo River is also known for other ratings such as “the most watery river in Africa”, the “deepest river in the world” or the “most dangerous river in the world”.

Amur – The 10th longest rivers in the world

Amur – The 10th longest rivers in the world

The Amur River or otherwise known as the “Heilongjiang” (Black Dragon) with a length of 4,444 km, is one of the ten longest rivers in the world, forming a natural border between the Russian Far East and Manchuria. (Heilongjiang Province) of China.

Above, we have revealed the top 10 longest rivers in the world, have you conquered the river yet? Please share it with us.

By Eryk Wu Address: 3999 Pine Forest Hollow Trail Houston, TX 77084 Phone: +12813473007 Email: Website:

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