To increase user experience, graphic designers must improve the effects of illustration, photography, typography, space, composition, and color on product usability and aesthetics of the product. they. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately grasp the 10+ basic principles of design below.
Points, Lines and Shapes

The most important principles of design are Points, Lines and Shapes. These are the most foundational bricks for building any design. With these, you can create anything you want, from simple icons to complex illustrations.
In geometry, a point is a combination of x and y coordinates, if you add the z axis, you will have a 3D (3D) space. But in this article, we will only talk about 2D.
Point => Line => Shape
When we connect two points, we get a straight line. A line formed from points is like a group of atoms that make up molecules, which in turn make up all the objects around you. If you add a third point and join them together, you get a cube, in this case a triangle. As stated in the beginning, you can use the basics to create almost anything you want.

The 2nd principle of design is color. The human eye can see more than 10 million different colors from red to purple. And from a young age, we must have learned about the value and meaning of some specific colors.
Take for example traffic lights. They are only full of colors, but we all know that red stops, green is allowed to go, and yellow means drive fast before the light turns red. This proves that color can affect our actions, and we don’t even realize it.
In my opinion, this is simply because we have learned these things, not because color itself has such intrinsic meaning. As you know, the meanings attached to colors can change depending on the culture, depending on the time, the place where you grew up. In short, you can convey common meanings, intentions and nuances simply by choosing the right colors, what you need to do is understand the audience you want to target to make choices. best fit. By now your triangle must have been eye-catching, right?
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Typography – Principles of design

The 3rd principle of design is typography. If you use the right typeface, you can create bold, powerful text. However, you can also easily mess things up if you choose a typeface that doesn’t match the content. Typography, like color, helps you determine the general tone of the content you want to convey.
Most typefaces are designed with a purpose in mind, and it takes some time to learn to use them properly. Some typefaces are great for large blocks of text, some are great for headings. Some typefaces come with a very clear purpose and usage, while others are styled for fun, or used for sarcasm (I’m sure you know what I mean).
There are thousands of typefaces to choose from, but if you don’t have a need to create something too unique – strange or are designing with a certain purpose, in normal cases I recommend using typefaces. just classic. Or if you’re brave enough, you can create your own typeface, although I think that sounds a bit difficult for a designer.
Space – Principles of design

The 4th principle of design is space. Balancing space can make or break everything, especially with typography. White space (also known as “negative space”) is the space between and around the objects of a page, it is the space that exists, usually behind and around the figure, in a work of art. art or graphic design.
You need to consider the relationship between the elements / letters together, and then give them an appropriate distance. This distance is often called negative space (Negative space, also known as white space – white space, its opposite is positive space – positive space, representing the letter itself – translator).
You must consider negative space as part of your design and use it wisely. Spacing can help guide the viewer through your design. At the same time, these gaps also help viewers rest their eyes throughout the content.
So, use the distance wisely, if the distance is too large, it will give the viewer a feeling of emptiness, incompleteness, too little distance will make your design become cramped and mounded. bunch of.
Balance, Rhythm and Contrast

The 5th principles of design are balance, rhythm and contrast. This is where you use the basics to create something interesting and engaging. Balance all the elements of your design based on visual weight (visual weight). Let’s say if you put a really big black square in the bottom right corner, your design would sink from there. So the best way is to find a way to compensate for that weight or consider changing that amount to the appropriate position.
Proportion – Principles of design

The 6th principle of design is proportion. In addition to creating contrast with rhythm and balance, proportion also helps you create hierarchy. Basically, there will be a hierarchy between elements in the design, and the best way to convey that is by using size.
The scaling must have a clear purpose. Do not arbitrarily customize in the style of “Make my logo bigger cream” (this is the name of a sarcastic advertisement of the design world aimed at the fact that customers always ask for a bigger logo, the advertising content includes the following: use a cream to enlarge the logo – translator), if you do, you’ve already forgotten the part about the space we just discussed above.
That must be the title of the short article, right? Why is that? This makes it possible for readers to quickly flip through the pages of the newspaper and see if there is any interesting news worth reading. Next, under the title of the article will be a subtitle with a smaller size to provide readers with some more detailed information about the article, and finally the content of the article with the smallest font size. Also use the most comfortable, easy-to-read font.
Grid and Alignment System

The 7th principles of design are grid and alignment systems. In fact, grid designs are not visible, but you will see their presence when you read a book or look at a newspaper. No matter what you’re designing for, using a grid system gives your design layout, making your design appear more pleasing.
And even if your design is messy, you need to establish an order for that clutter.
Alignment is very important with blocks of text, there are many ways to align, but my general rule is to align to the left margin. How you align always depends on the design content, but in general people read from left to right, top to bottom. So if you go against the middle or right alignment, it will annoy the reader.
Framed – Principles of design

The 8th principles of design are framed. The concept of framing is a key concept in photography, but the concept can be used in graphic design.
Whether you’re using photos, illustrations, or something else, framing will help you complete your work so much more. The concept of framing is a key concept in photography, but the concept can be used in graphic design.
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Texture and Pattern – Principles of design

The 9th principles of design are texture and pattern. Personally, I see textures and patterns like accessories, you don’t have to use them, you can still live without accessories. But sometimes, a few accessories can make your life a lot more interesting.
Texture is no longer a trend, but you can still use it to make a difference in your designs, making your designs look much more three-dimensional and relatable.
You don’t have to use textures in a combination. If your design is to be used for print, choosing the right paper, adding essentials such as chamfering, embossing or UV Varnish can all help to create a perfect design. Simple design becomes great. However, choose only one thing, don’t put it in a bunch of things.
Patterns are things that repeat over and over in the design, and depending on how you use it, you can call it a Texture. They are mainly used to add rhythm and dynamism to a flat design, and also as a way to compensate for the excess of white space.
Visual Concept

The 10th principle of design is visual concept. This is what determines whether your design is a great, unique design or simply a downloadable design from a number of design repositories abound online.
Design with purpose and have an idea throughout. Choose fonts carefully with a clear purpose, thinking about whether every small element of the design is based on basic concepts. Coherence and coherence in design is very important.
If you have a solid enough design concept, you can defend it and sell it to clients, your boss, or whoever you want.
In addition, a carefully prepared and invested design will bring value in the long run. Just like trendy fashion items can be beautiful and cute, but like all fashions like mustaches and plaids, trends always come with expiration dates. I have always believed that a good design is not a design that follows a trend, but a design that creates a new trend.
In addition, a carefully prepared and invested design will bring value in the long run. Just like trendy fashion items can be beautiful and cute, but like all fashions like mustaches and plaids, trends always come with expiration dates. So, always follow the 10+ basic principles of design when designing.
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