Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies

Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies

With the surge in software and mobile apps, having a strong digital presence has become crucial for organizations. Staying competitive in the digitalization era is a major challenge faced by businesses. To maintain their edge, companies need to constantly revamp existing software or develop up-to-date solutions, ensuring an uninterrupted and powerful digital presence.

To assist you in finding the right partner, have curated a list of the top offshore software development companies.

* What is offshore software development?

Offshore software development refers to the practice of hiring a software development company from a foreign country to create software for a company located in another country. This approach allows businesses to tap into a larger talent pool of skilled software developers while also reducing labor costs. Typically, offshore software development companies are based in developing countries such as India, China, Ukraine, or Vietnam, where labor costs are comparatively lower.

There are various factors to consider when developing a software product, including team management, timeframes, and technical specifications. Opting for offshore software development services can simplify and optimize your projects, making it a favorable choice for many companies.

* How does it work?

The process of offshore software development depends on several factors, such as project characteristics, development methodologies, and the specific software vendors involved. However, it typically follows these steps:

Step 1: Collecting requirements from clients

During this phase, the offshore development team engages in effective communication channels with the client to gather all the project requirements. These requirements serve as the foundation for the entire software development process.

Step 2: Research and analysis

Once the scope of work and client’s needs are defined, the development team conducts thorough research on the target audience and analyzes the collected data. They also focus on determining the basic user design elements. The decisions made during this stage lay the groundwork for the subsequent development of the software project.

Step 3: Project planning

The offshore development provider creates a comprehensive project plan that includes task lists, resource allocation, project timelines with deadlines, budgeting, and more. A well-structured plan ensures a systematic and efficient execution of the project.

Step 4: Design

During the design phase, the product development team determines the specific requirements and visual aspects of the software. They outline the details of the application, including user interfaces, network requirements, databases, and system interfaces. This step sets the direction for the development process.

Step 5: Development

The development phase involves breaking down the development tasks into manageable pieces. Developers write code and build applications based on the previously designed documents and specifications. The client may also participate in the review process, providing feedback on the software as it takes shape.

Step 6: Testing

In this crucial step, the offshore development team thoroughly examines the software, searching for any faults or defects. Any identified issues are tracked, rectified, and retested to ensure the quality and reliability of the final product.

Step 7: Deployment and maintenance

Once development and testing are complete, the focus shifts to deployment and maintenance. Developers handle the deployment process and address any necessary adjustments. This may involve fixing any remaining flaws that couldn’t be resolved before launch or addressing new issues that arise from user feedback.

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1. Belatrix

Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
Belatrix – Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
  • Founded: 2003
  • Company size: 700+
  • Country: Argentina

Belatrix provides software development solutions for both Fortune-level companies and emerging venture-backed firms. With engineering centers in Argentina, Peru, and Colombia, they offer end-to-end software and mobile application development services. Their expertise includes software development, testing, cloud services, consultancy, and UX. Belatrix implements Agile methodology and design thinking models to optimize clients’ resources. They have successfully delivered projects in industries such as Fintech, Media and Entertainment, Healthcare, Hi-Tech, Energy, and more.

2. inVerita

Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
inVerita – Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
  • Founded: 2015
  • Company size: 100+
  • Country: Ukraine

inVerita is a values-based custom software company headquartered in Lviv. Since 2015, they have excelled in building web (.NET/Node.js/JavaScript) and mobile solutions (Flutter, Native, React-native), as well as providing QA services and team extension. With a strong focus on maintaining long-term relationships, inVerita values its employees and customers. One of their first clients, Eric Eitel, praises their healthy company culture and the character and integrity of their team. inVerita serves various industries, including Retail, Education, Fintech, Healthcare, Logistics, and more.

3. Experion

Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
Experion – Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
  • Founded: 2006
  • Company size: 550+
  • Country: India

Experion, with its industry recognition and a track record of serving over 130 customers globally, specializes in sectors such as finance, retail, supply chain, and health. Their services include application development and maintenance, independent verification, application modernization, technology consulting, DevOps, business intelligence, and analytics.

4. Altoros

Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
Altoros – Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
  • Founded: 2001
  • Company size: 400+
  • Country: Argentina

Established in 2001, Altoros builds innovative products for industries of all sizes. They focus on custom software development, product development, cloud-native development, blockchain solutions, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. The company has proven expertise in delivering customized financial software solutions for the Finance and Healthcare industries. Their wide range of technology stack sets them apart.

5. Pixelcrayons

Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
Pixelcrayons – Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
  • Founded: 2004
  • Company size: 500+
  • Country: India

Pixelcrayons, an award-winning IT consulting and outsourcing company, is headquartered in India. They offer custom software development services, mobile app development, web development services, ecommerce development, product engineering, machine learning, DevOps solutions, and chatbot development. Pixelcrayons caters to various industries, including healthcare, tourism, banking, education, and media.


Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
STX NEXT – Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
  • Founded: 2005
  • Company size: 350+
  • Country: Poland

STX NEXT provides full-stack web development and cross-platform mobile app solutions using technologies like Python Django, Flask, Twisted, Angular, ReactJS, React Native, and more. Their services include standalone offerings such as prototyping, discovery workshops, and solution architecture. STX NEXT serves clients from diverse industries.

7. Mentormate

Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
Mentormate – Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
  • Founded: 2001
  • Company size: 250+
  • Country: Bulgaria

Mentormate, a Bulgarian software development company, specializes in strategic consulting, user experience, cloud services, web and mobile development, and quality assurance. They offer steady approaches for both small and large businesses seeking long-term partnerships. Their portfolio features projects developed for Manufacturing, Lifestyle, Agriculture, Education, Healthcare, and Finance industries.

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8. Developex

Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
Developex – Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
  • Founded: 2001
  • Company size: 300+
  • Country: Ukraine

With 18 years of experience and a global client base, Developex provides UI/UX development services, mobile app development, desktop and web app development, and embedded software development. They possess strong skills and expertise in software for consumer electronics, controlling software for gaming, audio, and PC peripheral devices.

9. The Software House

Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
The Software House – Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
  • Founded: 2012
  • Company size: 150+
  • Country: Poland

Based in Gliwice, Poland, The Software House specializes in custom software development (Node.js, JavaScript) for medium-sized and small businesses. They boast an impressive portfolio with over 100 diverse projects.

10. Intellectsoft

Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
Intellectsoft – Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies
  • Founded: 2007
  • Company size: 200
  • Country: Ukraine

Intellectsoft collaborates with Fortune 500 companies and international clients to develop custom software solutions. Their expertise lies in cognitive computing, decentralized applications, IoT, premier customer experience, and AR/VR. With offices and engineering centers in the US, UK, and Eastern Europe, Intellectsoft caters to Automotive, Fintech, Construction, Healthcare, Retail, and Insurance industries.

* How to Choose the Right Offshore Development Company?

When it comes to selecting a trusted offshore software development partner for your business, there are several important criteria that you should consider. By paying attention to these factors, you can make an informed decision and find the most suitable offshore development company for your needs.

  • Define Your Requirements: Before you start searching for an outsourcing provider, it is crucial to clearly define your goals and expectations. Consider factors such as team size, skill level, and specific project details. By doing so, you will have a better understanding of how well a particular offshore development company aligns with your business requirements.
  • Assess Software Development Experience: One of the most critical aspects is finding an offshore vendor with a proven track record of delivering high-quality software within the specified timeframes and budget. Evaluate the company’s experience in developing software similar to your project to ensure they have the necessary expertise.
  • Evaluate Cost-Effectiveness: Reducing costs is a primary motivation for businesses when opting for software development outsourcing. Look for offshore vendors that offer flexible pricing models such as fixed-price, dedicated development team, or time and material. This will enable you to choose a cost-effective option that suits your budget and project requirements.
  • Expertise in Relevant Technologies: Consider the technical expertise of the offshore development team you plan to collaborate with. Determine the specific technological stacks and skills required for your project and assess whether potential partners can fulfill those requirements.
  • Check Testimonials and Certifications: Take the time to review testimonials and feedback from previous clients. This can be done through the vendor’s website, as well as on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Clutch. Additionally, seek recommendations from friends, colleagues, or individuals who have worked with the potential offshore development company.

It is also essential to evaluate the offshore company’s level of quality by verifying any relevant accreditations they hold, such as ISO 9001 or CMMI.

When selecting an offshore development company, remember to carefully consider these criteria. By doing so, you will increase your chances of finding a trusted partner that can meet your software development needs effectively.


We have compiled a list of offshore software development companies that deliver high-quality services to businesses across various domains. By visiting their websites, you can explore more details about each vendor. Good luck choosing the best partner for your business!

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By Eryk Wu Address: 3999 Pine Forest Hollow Trail Houston, TX 77084 Phone: +12813473007 Email: Website:

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